Due2Lab has officially joined the Italian Space Industry, that set of Italian companies involved, at various levels, in the “supply chain” of the aerospace industry.
- BADG3R, funded by INAF/ASI
“A Balloon launched Detector for Gamma-rays with 3-dimensional Resolution”
TheBADG3R roject was one of the winners of the HEMERA project (ESA) for balloon flights.
We designed and built a prototype spectro-polarimeterfor X-rays and gamma rays in the 10 – 1000 keV range, based on CZT (Cadmium Zinc Telluride) detector with three-dimensional spatial resolution.
Such a detection geometry enables sub-millimeter spatial resolution of interactions, and thus high segmentation of the sensitive volume, with a limited number of readout channels and fine spectroscopy (1% FWHM at 511 keV). Due2Lab built the BADG3R payload, and it was successfully launched on September 7, 2022 from Kiruna, Sweden.
Measurements made in the stratospheric environment, which is very similar to the extra-terrestrial space environment, made it possible to evaluate the performance of the instrument and validate some of the innovative technologies used in its implementation, in an environment rich in charged particles and therefore quite hostile. This type of instrument could potentially be used as a focal plane detector with polarimetric capabilities for future high-energy astrophysics missions.
- RAMSESS, funded by ASI
“Radiation Measurement Sensor with Enhanced Sensibility for Space exploration”
The RAMSESS Project is one of the projects selected for funding by ASI for future miniaturized satellite (“CubeSat”) missions, to be carried out through participation in the ESA GSTP (General Support Technology Program). The proposing group consists of CIRA Scpa (Italian Aerospace Research Center) as Prime Contractor, University of Naples, Milan Polytechnic, Due2Lab and several other companies. The project aims to design, ground validation and subsequent launch into polar earth orbit of a “CubeSat” equipped with a dosimeter for studying characteristic radiative environments of interplanetary travel.
The planned orbit is high radiative load, the dosimeter is CZT-based, and will be responsible for measuring the total absorbed dose (total energy deposited over time), the energy of each individual interaction event (spectroscopy), and possibly the nature of each individual event (discrimination of photons, electrons, protons, or ions). Within the project, Due2Lab is responsible for the Radiation Sensor and Detector Subsystem.